Kamis, 14 Juli 2011


a : dad when i look at your old photo album, i only see happy faces
dad : hehe, there's a lot of stories from one picture to the other. sad and happy

-actually i don't know exactly how the dialogue, but it taken from the movie of 'just married'-

actually this time i wanna share some photos taken by me, and tagged them as -7view-

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Karimun JAWA!

one of the best thing that ever happened in my life!

gw ga bisa berucap banyak dari kejadian ini, let the photo taken speaks.. :)

dari ki-ka : coki, gw, richard, yogdi,edit,nopar, satrio, fandy, mashudi, desto, paul
bawah (geletakan) ki-ka : syukron, enten, lionk

teman-temanku manusia luar biasa! :)
yaaa kita selalu tampak bersenang-senang, jarang dari kami terlihat susah dan gundah gulana.. we share our problems and then we laugh about it, what an awesome bunch of dudes! hehe
saya merindukan kalian semua. merindukan perjalanan itu, melihat anugrah TUHAN YME bersama-sama. aku BERSYUKUR :)

berikut gambar-gambar yang diambil

maklum lho saya masih amatir..hehe

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


you know that i'm always there for you, no matter what..:)

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

we are the kings!

Job less is sucks. Big time. LOL, while you were searching for some job. u are hoping for some support or maybe something that always burn ur spirit on and on. No matter how many times did u fall. desperate? don't ask, haha. there's one song and the only thing which always supportive to me. yeah, i play this song on my ipod and the effect? it is magical :)

Into the night,
desperate and broken.
The sound of a fight,
father has spoken.

We were the kings and queens of promise.
We were the victims of our selves.
Maybe the children of a lesser god,
between Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell.

Into your lies,
hopeless and taken.
We stole our new lives,
through blood and pain,
in defense of our dreams.
In defense of our dreams.

We were the kings and queens of promise.
We were the victims of our selves.
Maybe the children of a lesser god,
between Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell.

The age of man is over.
A darkness comes and all
These lessons that we've learned here
have only just begun!

We were the kings and queens of promise.
We were the victims of our selves.
Maybe the children of a lesser god,
between Heaven and Hell.

We are the kings!
We are the queens!
We are the kings!
We are the queens!

it's an awesome song, no wonder it became one of the 'legend of the guardian' movie soundtrack 30 seconds to mars - kings and queens

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

some heavy words..

"Badai Pasti berlalu, Topan pasti akan datang" - Pusdikif (Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri) 18 April 2011

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

how's it going to be? part II

Berhubung gw udah pusing baca dan belajar tentang file proses untuk project gw nanti, jadi gw lanjutin aja posting yang kemaren, hehe..

well according to my last post, i decided to looking for some job. And here we go...

'rejeki diatur sama yang diatas, ga bakal ketuker ko' itulah ucapan yang terlontar dari temen gw elisabet wening ditengah gw menganggur menunggu panggilan kerjaan selama 7 bulan dan saat itu gw bener-bener 'at my lowest point as a human being' banyak kejadian saat itu and better left unsubscribe and i thank my friend for that! a lot! :)

well langkah pertama setelah gw dinyatakan lulus secara 'SK sementara' adalah LIBURAN! hahaha. awesome holiday, and i spent with my buddies on campus yeah we had a trip to Karimun java islands..

hal itu merupakan hal yang sangat wajar, as a human being we need vacation,rest, recreation. istilahnya menikmati hidup lah enaknya. hoho

setelah liburan, i took my time for about 3 weeks rest, then i decided to become a job seeker

job seeking is a pain in the ass, no matter what is your major. and the phrase 'rejeki ada yang ngatur' memang benar adanya. Tes kerja perdana as a job seeker adalah HPM (H*NDA prospectt Motor) dengan niat 'banci' (setengah-setengah) gw ngejalaninnya

here's the story of my first job assessment test

dengan harapan a-z gw menganggap tes ini as a stepping stone for a another career, well i'm aiming for some oil co. or maybe some mining co. hehehe...

seinget gw dulu tes ini tu dilaksanain hari... duh lupa! well yang jelas saat itu mobil ada sebiji nganggur, oleh karena itu gw ngajak temen gw chad n piki buat bareng dari rawamangun yaa karena juga gw ga tau dimana tempat tes nya yaa makanya gw sih berharap kalo chad n piki tau dimana kantornya HPM.

disaat itu gw janjian sama mereka berdua pagi-pagi buta karena yaaa lo taulah, macet!

dan oh iya itu pas banget sama bulan puasa! dengan berbekal pengalaman minim sama tes kerja dan beberapa ke sotoy-an gw mulai berangkat tes, dan si piki as usual he made us late! hahaha di saat tes gw ga mikir banyak2 karena gw cmn nyari pengalaman kayak apa sih rasanya test buat nyari kerja?? naaah here are some lesson learned

LESSON 1 - make sure you've arrived earlier

yap! datang lebih dulu ga pernah ada ruginya but, you may adjust with ur working style as long as u're not late for the test then.. it's fine, cause there are certain people may lose concentration if they are waiting for the test, it called nervous attack, for example : interviews.. when u called for an interview make sure you answered the question plain, be yourself and never made up some answer.. they know if you were lying dude.. haha! and what's the correlation between waiting and interview, when you came for an interview you may heard some 'issues' what question would be asked to you, if you stayed calm and prepared well then, it's okay but if you freaked out.. then you must say goodbye for the job, hehe
ga cuman itu aja, preparasi! kita ga pernah tau kapan CV kita abis karena kita apply kemana2 membabi buta.. *haha dan disaat tes musti kita bawa berkas dan celakanya CV ga ada well arrived an hour earlier ga ada ruginya jg kok.. :)


Nervous, too excited, underestimating, big headed were the 'don't do list' saat tes kerja, inget itu! :p

well itu aja kali ya, lagi malay eke.. hahahhaa

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

how's it going to be?

well itu adalah pertanyaan yang selalu timbul, karena itu memang hakekat manusia pada umumnya.. plan - do - pray - then how's it going to be??? - "up to Allah"

actually that's how i feel in my graduation. euphoria saat wisuda?? well honestly, not much cuma sedikit. karena gw bingung seperti apa ke depannya nanti, cause the rest of my life there's already a single path a single road and i fully thanked Allah for that. Dan setelah gw lulus tiba-tiba dibentangkan bgitu aja jalan-jalan yang ada, ibaratnya gw dikasih Kanvas gede dan ada disana seperti ada semacam plang petunjuk 'it's all up to you now, dude..'

ada plan a-z dibenak gw, waaaawww... what am i gonna doooo??? apakah S2 dulu baru kerja, atau nyambi, atau kursus ini itu, atau.. atau... banyak banget opsi yang ada, tapi yang paling penting adalah Fokus sama tujuan yang pingin di capai, what's mine? well actually i wanna build my own empire, rule out sonething, develop something become great thing

jadi gw memutusin buat nyari kerja dulu, trus baru lanjut S2.. dan mulailah petualangan gw dalam mencari pekerjaan, yak tar lanjut lagi yeee tunggu di postingan berikutnya :p hehehe....

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011


Hey, long time no see! *macem ada yg buka blog ini.. hahaha
oke, gimana kabar smuanya?? i hope god bless y'all with goodness

okay,many things happened since my last update. sad and happy. hello and goodbyes. and lot of things that better left unsubscribed...

hehe.. well it's office hour so, i'm gonna let you know later. :p